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Timeline UPDATE

Hey friends,

So I want to come on here and give you a little update on my process.  Lots of questions have been coming at me, so I’m here to let you in on the details.

This summer has been pretty full so far.  Finishing out my full time job as athletic trainer at Plant, hiring the new AT for Plant, family weekend trip to Ohio, Adventures in Missions (AIM) orientation in Gainesville, Georgia for a week, working an ECNL soccer tournament in Bradenton for 5 days, my friend Asone’s bachelorette weekend in Key West, meeting with some pretty special people and having intentional conversations about Nicaragua, I’m pretty spent.  In fact, I’m looking forward to some downtime in my preparation for my next assignment.

Today, July 15, 2021, I finished up my 6th and final year as athletic trainer at HB Plant High School in Tampa, Florida.  Complete bittersweet feeling because I have built some incredible relationships at the school.  But in life, there is a season for everything.

A time for Everything.  There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.  Ecclesiastes 3:1


I will be leaving Tampa July 30th and moving my personal belongings and my dog Larkin, to my parents’ home in Atlanta.

From there, I will travel to North Carolina where I will be attending Center for Intercultural Training (CIT) from August 7th to September 3.

I will then travel back to Tampa and attend the wedding of my cousin marry his beautiful bride Asone on September 5.

From there, I will have some time in between before I fly to Antigua, Guatemala and attend Christian Spanish Academy for 1 month.  I will be there September 18 to October 18th.  I will celebrate my 37th birthday in Antigua, Guatemala! Cheers to that!  I have put in some work and worked hard and saved money and I decided that I want to pay for this opportunity (attending spanish school & living in Antigua) myself.

After October 18, hard telling where I will be.  AIM wants me 110% funded (that is factoring monthly partners) before they send me to Nicaragua.  So, with that being, the goal is spend the holidays with the family in the States and then leave for Granada, Nicaragua January 2022.

There’s my timeline.

I am so ready to see what God has in store for me in this next season through CIT, CSA, partnership development and ultimately launch to Nicaragua to serve and work with REAP Granada as a long term missionary!

Please reach out to me if you want to hear more details and how you can get involved.  I maybe the one on the ground, but it takes a village to support the work of a missionary as we continue to spread the good news, love and joy of Jesus Christ.  

I am ready to have an intentional conversation and encourage you in our journeys that God has us in.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8




  1. The preparation time is some of the sweetest time!! So looking forward to following along this next journey with you.

  2. I’m glad that your able to take this opportunity Lindsey! You have been nothing, but a blessing to my friends and I. I can not even thank you enough for everything you have done for me! You are truly a special person and hope nothing but the best for you!

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