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Poco a Poco

Little by little.

That was how I was encouraged daily during my time learning to speak spanish more conversationally-fluently.


My time in Antigua, Guatemala was amazing.  From the moment I stepped off the plane in Guatemala, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and peace.  Honestly, it was the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, I did not feel the chest pains from anxiety. I knew I was exactly where I was suppose to be.


My team leaders at REAP Granada recommended Christian Spanish Academy (CSA).  I decided to study for 8 hours a day!  I figured if I’m going to be in Guatemala for a month, might as well go big.  Yeah, by the end of week 3, I felt like my brain was fried.  Most students take 4-6 hours a day.  Only the crazy ones like me and the Japanese, take 8 hours a day.  Poco a poco.


I would get so frustrated with myself when I made a mistake that I knew and my teachers could sense my frustrations and just remind me “poco a poco“.

Here are some themes I noticed and grateful during my time in Antigua, Guatemala.

Community. I met some amazing people during my time there.  The staff, teachers and students were all so friendly. I spent 2 Sunday’s exploring the city with two 18 year olds.  Leave it to Lynsey to be hanging out with the teenagers. Teenagers are my people.  I have come to that conclusion. 

Another American couple from the school invited a bunch of us over for dinner one night.  I found an amazing church community (Shoreline City) that I attended for the month and they welcomed me warmly.  I even was invited to a small group! On top of that, I was welcomed in by a retired American nurse that let me stay in her spare room for the month.  Breakfast and lunch was on my own, but dinner was a lovely time of communion with my campaneros Linda and her Guatemalan friend Jose, who was staying in her other spare bedroom.  I was amazed with the sense of community God brought into my life and I wasn’t even really looking for it.  


Culture.  From the ancient ruins throughout the city, My housemate and I and some of her friends walked to different neighborhoods outside the city every Saturday morning.  This fall, I probably have done the most hiking in my life and I am really starting to appreciate the activity of hiking.  One of my favorite things for me to do when I am traveling and learning about the culture is trying new and local food and drinks. After my mouth and wallet had enough of outside dining, I had the opportunity to buy lunch from one of the administrator’s wives.  That woman is an amazing cook and would give me a full plate, drink and dessert for 15Q ~ less than $3 USD.  So needless to say I was blessed to help that family and order my lunches from them for the last 2 weeks I was there.


 Coffee. Man, I love coffee.  I thought I was addicted living in the States.  I would always say “Athletic Trainers run on Dunkin” and my athletes would know I function better AFTER my coffee. In Guatemala, I would have it in the morning with breakfast.  Most Guatemaltecos, will usually just have coffee and some kind of bread to dip it in for breakfast.  Then I would have coffee during our mid-morning break.  I even visited one of the oldest coffee plantations in Guatemala.  Where I learned that most of the world’s coffee does NOT come from Guatemala, however, the quality of the coffee, is some of the best from Guatemala.  I definitely made sure I brought home a bag to share the love.



To end, I probably could write this blog in spanish, it would take longer and again, most of my audience speaks English, so yes, my month in Antigua was very helpful in the boost I needed to speak spanish grammatically correct.  I definitely would recommend taking a class in a spanish speaking country and immersing yourself in the language because you learn so much more.  I left school and went to the restaurants, grocery stores and locals, and I HAD to rely on my spanish and it pushed me to use it and I got better.  Yes, I lived in Florida for the past 7 years and lived in a spanish neighborhood.  However, English is still the primary language to fall back on so I never learned as quickly as I did.  

I still have much much more to go…but I am better than what I was. 

Poco a Poco.

But honestly, I think we could use this phrase in everyday life as well, don’t you think?

Little by little we are growing and learning new things about ourselves, others and God.

If I could leave you with a little encouragement, if you are feeling overwhelmed in your current season, just remember, “poco a poco”. 

one thing, one day at a time.  You will get through this.

“Keep your lives free from love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'” Hebrews 13:5

 “Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!” Luke 12:24


 my birthday flowers & a balloon given to me by the woman who sold me the flowers :) Happy 37th Birthday to me!  

Hope you’ve enjoyed reading & following along!  Please reach out to me if you want to talk 🙂 

Dios te Bendiga!